Monday, September 6, 2010

Book Review - Outlive Your Life

I thoroughly enjoyed reading Max Lucado's newest book, Outlive Your Life. The title - "Outlive Your Life: You Were Made to Make a Difference" gives a hint of the inspiring message in this book. It is filled with snippets of true stories of how God has used His followers throughout history to draw others to Him.

Each chapter focuses on a different aspect of how God uses His people. In addition to referencing scripture within each chapter to prove his point, Lucado also quotes a different scripture at the end of each chapter which succinctly captures the message of that chapter. For example, one chapter focuses on how we do not need to be impressive or amazing in the world's eyes in order to be useful to God. At the end of this chapter, Lucado quotes I Corinthians 1:26-27 - a passage which I love and which is very appropriate to the topic.

At the end of the book is a section called Discussion and Action Guide. I can see where this book would be an excellent book for small group study when used with this guide. But even if you're reading the book by yourself as I was, don't skip over this section. It is thought-provoking and you can use it as a jumping-off point to put what you read into practice. Many of the Ideas For Action are not difficult or time-consuming but they will cause you to reevaluate your actions and hopefully become more intentional in serving God. For example, when you enter a room instead of sitting with the people you always do (which is a habit for most of us) choose to sit with someone who is sitting alone.

One thing which everyone who reads this book should take away is that we need to move outside our comfort zones when God calls us to. And He will call us to move outside our comfort zone in some way. Open your eyes and heart to ways God is wanting to use you to help others TODAY. Every interaction we have is an opportunity for God to use us to reach someone else. "Determine how your gifts, passion, and opportunities best fit into God's plan to serve your neighborhood, community, and world." Then choose to use those gifts, passion, and opportunities to serve God by serving others.

Although I received a copy of this book from the publisher to review, the opinions expressed are entirely my own.

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