Monday, August 23, 2010

Book Review - The Butterfly Effect

I'm not normally a big fan of gift books, but I couldn't resist reading this new gift book by Andy Andrews since I enjoy his books. I was not disappointed in this one. As a gift book, I really enjoyed both the design and layout of the pages and the story itself. Of course, as with all gift books this one was a quick read, so it's appropriate even for someone who doesn't consider themselves a reader.

The story itself, though, will make you think more about the impact your life has not only on those around you but also on future generations. Truly, our words and actions matter. I love the illustration of how one life impacts another, which impacts another and so on. One of the two illustrations in this book of how every person's life is important, began with a person I'm sure few people have ever heard of named Norman Borlaug (read the book to find out just who he is!). And the two lives who were highlighted are only examples. Your life matters just as much as Norman Borlaug's.

This would be such a great gift to anyone who thinks their life doesn't matter. It will give its readers a more eternal perspective on the importance of every human life. The decisions we make today to serve God can make a difference in someone's life we may never even meet.

In the interest of disclosure, I received a copy of this book from the publisher, but the opinions expressed here are entirely my own.

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