Monday, February 1, 2010

Book Review - Regret-Free Living

I had no preconceived notions of what to expect when I picked up this book by Christian counselor Stephen Arterburn. I have never listened to his talk show so I didn't know what to expect. What I got when I read the book is sound, practical advice on how to approach relationships from a Christian perspective, offering ways to heal difficult relationships and make good relationships better as well as how to recognize when an unhealthy relationship cannot be mended.

Regret-Free Living is a broad based book that covers relationships in general. You can apply the advice to close relationships such as husband/wife or father/son but the advice also works well for relationships with coworkers, friends, etc. This is NOT a marriage book but much of the advice is very applicable for anyone interested in improving their marriage relationship. I would not recommend it as the only book to read if you have serious marriage problems. I found the book most helpful in taking a good look at my relationships with those who are close to me and finding places where I can improve the way I relate to them. One of the most meaningful quotes for me was,

" What we should be doing in life - our highest purpose as humans and followers of Jesus - is to be a conduit of God's love."

This applies not only to our relationships with people we already know, but to people God places in our lives on a daily basis - whether their lives intersect our for a few moments or for the rest of our lives.

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