Saturday, September 26, 2009

Book Review - That Certain Spark

This newest book by Cathy Marie Hake is an entertaining, well-written work of fiction. The main character is a female doctor who faces and overcomes the prejudices common against females in traditionally male-dominated professions in the 19th century.

The author, Cathy Marie Hake, gives us a glimpse into late nineteenth century medicinal practices by including accurate and interesting historical details as the protagonist practices medicine in a Texas frontier town where the overwhelming sentiment is that women are not capable of being physicians. Not only her abilities but the appropriateness of her chosen profession is questioned by the town's citizens

The overarching romantic story is well-developed and believable as the characters learn more about each others beliefs and motivations for making the decisions they do.

As a female who chose to enter a male-dominated profession I appreciate the very real look this fiction book takes at the struggle our female antecedents faced to break through the "glass ceilings" of so many male-dominated professions and the equally valid appeal that being a Christian and pushing the envelope of society's standards are not mutually exclusive activities.

Yes, this book is a Christian historical romance. But it is also much more than that. It touches on topics that were volatile during the period this book was set and reminds us that Christian women play many roles in our society.

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